How a pandemic is spurring many to consider career change

Friday, June 4, 2021
After more than a year of managing work, ZOOM sessions and staying connected from home, one in four employees are considering a leap to a new career, Prudential Financial’s Pulse of the American Worker survey says.

The shift comes as many workers enjoy a new work-life balance, with less time spent on long commutes and in-person meetings. To keep workers happy, 82% of company leaders surveyed by Gartner say they’ll allow employees to work remotely at least part of the time after the pandemic, while 47% say they will allow employees to work from home full-time.

Amid all of this newfound freedom are those who have re-examined their current careers and are looking to move on, either to a job in the same field or something totally different.

“The demand for talent has never been higher,” says Rod McDermott. McDermott is the CEO and founder of Activate 180, an Irvine-based company that helps people who may be feeling stuck, hesitant — or even conflicted — about making the leap. We asked McDermott to offer his observations on the current job market. His answers have been edited for space considerations...

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