M & S Flooring, Inc.


Serving the Dayton and Cincinnati Area since 1994. 
"When the Products are the Same, Our Service makes the Difference"
Our Mission:
"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you..." Matthew 7:12A

Our Vision: 
To be "Best in Class" in the commercial flooring industry.

Our Core Values:
"Act Justly"-fairness in the access of opportunity and the condemnation of exploitation, inequality and discrimination when discovered.
"Love Mercy"-love that responds to human need in an unexpected or unmerited way
"Walk Humbly" - acknowledge that everything I am and have comes from God
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If you share these values and want to join a great company, working for a greater purpose, let's start the conversation. To get started, send an email to mwebster@msfloor.com.